


Hi everyone!  Sorry I am a couple of days late with weekly update.  It has been a busy weekend. 

My son had a chorus event at our church on Saturday. He did so well.  It was a little chilly but we managed.  My daughter who is 15 doesn’t Di much.  I can’t get her to get involved in anything. But I am not pushing her.

Stitching wise. I started another HEAD called A Colorful Past.  It is coming along nicely.  I am enjoying it.  I decided to change up rotation and instead of stitching a project fir a week. I will work on it for one month.  I am hoping that will. 
Bye for now.

Stitching and such



Well stitching has been going well.  My needle has been smoking.  I am in fire.  The above picture is my newest HARD called A Colorful Past.  I am enjoying this one.  This artist us officially my favorite artist now.  I have more like this on wish list. 
I have decided that instead of a weekly rotation I am going to do a month rotation.  Think I will have more stitching time. 

New beginnings!

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New beginning

This first post on new blog. Blogger was taking up to much space on my phone.  I didn’t want to get rid of blogger but I did. So I am starting all over.

Stitching update

The above picture is my Haed Cleopatra Queen of Egypt. This is the first HAED that I have gotten the farthest on.  I am so proud of myself.  She is huge but I am enjoying it.

I am going to try my rotation again.  I am getting ready to start another HAED called A Colorful Past.  I like that one.  It was a gift to me from someone on Facebook.